
Why You need Waste Management System

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have begun to implement food waste management requirements to promote the vision of a zero-waste
Waste cause headache to your main business and hinder your path to progress.
The investments in the future of the environment as well as the sustainability of clean and healthy cities.

Facilities that produce a lot of organic waste such as Food factories, central kitchens, caterers, malls, residential complexes, hotels and restaurants shall start managing their organic waste.


Our food waste converter is an automated on-site compostable waste processing system. We use multi-stage indirect heat and dry decomposition process in our machines. The system is equipped with water recycling technology that uses the condensate run out to control the humidity in the processing chamber, which in turn translates to faster processing speeds.

The Process

Multi stage indirect heat and dry decomposition method. No steam or smoke or any other emission from the machine.

No odour either during the process or even when the machine is idle. Can be used as a garbage bin because of its air tight design. The soil which is processed has nutritional value

Completely mechanical machine hence easy to troubleshoot . Only preventive maintenance needed. Easy to use and maintain.

24*7 service support is available

Loading Process

Food waste to be loaded into the machine through the top door.

Clean the filter mesh and start the process.

Food waste converter system works on Dehydration Principle.

This can be simply compared to natural process of organic waste getting dried and decomposed as soil.

Our technology accelerates this process by simulating similar conditions inside a sealed vessel. This is a fully automated mechanical process.

Agitation Process

Food Waste:70%
Output: 0%
Water Drained: 30%
  • The waste is mixed continuously with a slow speed agitator.
  • During the process the bigger particles will be shredder to smaller size.
  • The food waste deposited in the tank gets agitated continuously
  • The mass is heated and the vapour is chilled and condensed.
  • This condensed water will be drained out during the process.
  • We have our patent applied technology to accelerate the process which is pre programmed in our controllers
  • As the water gets drained off, and with the heat the waste will be dried and the agitation process will convert it to powder form.

Dehydration Process

Food Waste:55%
Output: 0%
Water Drained: 45%
  • With controlled heating, the mass inside the tank is vaporized.
  • The vapour is cooled and the condensate is drained out
  • A flexible tube carries the condensed water to the drain duct.
  • There is a unique order control system which prevents any odour during   the process.
  • The process time can be selected depending on the quantity and wetness of the waste deposited.
  • The process duration will range from 12 hours to 24 hour depending on the        input capacities.

What makes us ahead of the other OWC Providers?

  • State of the art hairline finish machine with durable stainless steel.
  • No rusting problems in longer run
  • All our panels are ip 55 class.
  • Completely automatic, with one button start on touchscreen panel.
  • No skilled labor required to operate the machine.
  • No additives like bacteria\water\sawdust\culture to be added. Simply feed the waste into the
    machine and commence the process.
  • No runtime operation needed during the process
  • Tank discharges processed soil automatically after process is complete. No manual intervention
  • No noise/vibration while the process is running.

Output Discharge

Food Waste:0%
Output: 10%
Water Drained: 90%
  • At this stage, the entire moisture from the waste is removed.
  • Due to the shaft rotation, the waste is crushed into a dry powder form.
  • The cooling process will start to stabilize the output.
  • On completion of the process, the output will be automatically discharged from the front door.
  • A creat/bin can be used to collect the output for storage.

